Picture this: Széchenyi's amazing architecture, totally transformed by the light. It's the SPArty experience, with light effects galore, new-age electro music, and rivers of tasty concoctions. The
pool party, redefined by SPArty, is what draws hundreds of tourists at the Széchenyi Baths every Saturday night, from April to November. And how cool is this?
Of course, for the traditionalist, the Széchenyi Baths remain the iconic, over-advertised, spas of Budapest, and for good reason. The benefits of the thermal waters -- rich in sulphate, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate -- are undeniable, and the architectural significance of the complex makes this one of the city's most important landmarks. Spa goers also enjoy here professional massages, sauna, and other spa treatments, like balneotherapy, mud treatments, carbon-dioxide baths, underwater jet massages, underwater curative gymnastics, and even more complex treatments. But with SPArty you can count on the unexpected: dance as therapy, or just as entertainment: as you like it.
Just keep in mind that these parties are designed for people without inhibitions, for those who like to party hard, for those who do not mind loud music. The SPArty atmosphere is always incendiary, and there are always unexpected situations: mesmerizing strobe lights, water splashes, loud cheers. Come prepared to join in, or, if you want to relax, choose a different day to see Széchenyi.
Still, no matter when you choose to visit Budapest's thermal spa gem, Széchenyi is worth it, because it is a symbol of the city. At the end of the day, the "been there, done that" that seems to come into topics after every trip to unusual destinations is something that will keep your friends interested. And the photo ops at the SPArty are simply fascinating.
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hotels in Budapest, and prepare for the experience of a lifetime in our beautiful city!
Mihaela Lica Butler
Mihaela Lica-Butler is travel writer and travel public relations consultant by profession, lover of cultures and cuisine. She has built a fun career while chiming in on many topics, from relating the trials and tribulations of the people of Kosovo, to experiencing, first hand, the heroics of the Romanian soldiers serving for the UN. But she thrives in conveying her love for travel and places in written word, and she is happy to be a constant contributor for some of the world's best travel sites.